Welcome to Miss Marks’ Digital Classroom

Looking to improve your artwork?

Check out the artist resources page!


Curious to see what sort of art she makes?

Tour Miss Marks’ Art Gallery

Miss Marks’ Digital Class Pet: His Highness Sir Booker Ohai Rocketship Cupid Cat

Questions and Answers

What are those black bars above the words?

To try to make this site as easy as possible for everyone to use, I have recorded myself reading all the written passages on this site. Push the play button (the small triangle on the far left) to listen to any sections you like.

What should I do?

Breathe! Try to be has patient and helpful as you can. Now is a great time to try something new. I am learning website design! You could learn some new dance moves, plant seeds, fold origami stars, or practice saying tongue twisters until you get really really good at them.

What is Miss Marks doing?

Besides creating this website and adding new activities to it, Miss Marks is having lots of meetings with your teachers and principals, taking care of her cat, and making some art!